Sad facebook love story

Sad facebook love story ;(
Boy: Hey!!! (:
Girl: Sup?
Boy: Nothing Much, You know the
usual stuff (:
Girl: Ah ok.
Boy: Wat u doing?
Girl: Facebook.
Boy: Oh Okay, (: hows love life?
Girl: I gtg bye ttyl .
Boy: Ah Okay :(
(this continued on the following 3
weeks straight boy keeps doing the
same thing then suddenly theboy
stops on talking to her)
2 days later...
Girl: Heyyy :D
Boy: Oh whats up?
Girl: Nothing much, How come u dont
talk to
me any more?
Boy: Oh sorry about that, im just
Girl: Oh okay.....well i dont know why
but i
miss talking to you.
Boy: Oh thats good...well i have to go
okay bye..
(following day....)
Boy is Online.
Girl: HEYYY whats up?
Boy: Oh who is this?
Girl: what? :O i cant believe u dont
know me..:( What happened to you?
Boy: OH sorry this is just his friend,
sorry to tell you but, He died
yesterday night..:(
Girl: "shocked" WTF?
Boy: Yes, he did, oh and u are the
girl he was
talking about...he made you a letter
here ill
send u the link...
Girl: Okay..T_T
Boy: "sends link"
Girl: : "clicks link" then reads the
Dear Girl,
So far in my life, I have never seen
any girl
such as beautiful as you, sorry I am
boring to
talk to alot, and I just cant say the
words.I am deeply in love with you,
Well I
think im going now, I have this
that i have on. But i will still try
andtalk to you.
And keep moving on. I love you so
much, ur
the best thing that ever happened in
my life, I
love it when i talk to you, even if its
just a
simple talk, Ill never forget you.
"At the bottom of the letter says, 2
weeks ago"
Girl: Burst in tears, and said, I love
you too...
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