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Wednesday 6 March 2013


It’s not everyday you learn the lessons of life, maybe it is, I wouldn’t know because I have been sleeping for 20 years. And now that I’m waking up (usually followed by unexplainable crying) I’ve realized the social issues that have taken over our culture and customs. Normally what you would expect is someone pointing a finger at another someone and so on, but not today people. We can only keep our selves, our minds and our soul pure if we want to. Telling a girl to cover herself up as soon as she hits puberty, teaching her to bow down at every scrap thrown her way, making her feel blessed to have even gotten marriage proposals and so much more BULLSHIT is what is eating at the very core of our society. On the other hand, there are some who have taught their daughters and sisters to compete, be on equal terms, get equal rights but they dismiss one thing, the responsibility of being a man. The ball isn’t in either one of their court, and I am not batting for these morons who think life is just this; studying, job, marriage, kids, and then comes the prayer mat and then the inevitable death.
The dilemma is very simple, very egoistic and very hypocritical ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Think about one thing, it’ll only take a second! Think…THINK!!
Now that I have your attention, THINK that there are two people in a room, sitting quietly. One of them likes the color blue while the other one likes the color red. Now get this, Blue and Red are different colors, different color combinations, different shades, different perspectives of thinking even. The Red color may represent passion, fire, or anger. The Blue color, it can represent sadness, “being down” as some might say, or it can represent calm. See how different these two colors are? But do we fight over them???? NO. If I like Blue and you like Red it does NOT mean that we break each others jaws, fight till death etcetera.
Life is pretty simple, and we can seriously do well without all the extra drama. What we like to do is dwell into subjects like religion and gender discrimination and racism and what not. We forget our own problems in these discussions; the basic root of all problems is man itself. People disrespect women you say…well tell your own fathers, brothers, sons and husbands to lower their gaze in the presence of a female. She’d feel safer then rather than being hauled off to a cave and forced to wear a big Chadar (cloak). You want to debate on equality then don’t forget males are also put down, not as much as females are but there is a percentage. Respect doesn’t mean that you put the other person on the seventh heaven; it means you give them their space! How would you feel if someone hovers over you all the DAMN time?? Imagine…. Jeez again I know...but just one more time…promise.
Wouldn’t it bother you? Yes it would, stop shaking your head saying no!! Now that it bothers you so much, imagine you are the bee and you are buzzing around someone. It’s annoying. So stop doing that. Give each other space.
That’s all for today folks. Space and I don’t mean the out of this earth, solar system space!!

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